


Make Lasting Impact

Story is the most powerful tool for creating lasting change. Are you using it right? Have you found the story that best connects with your audience? Would you like to? 

  • Clarity: Nothing works right until you communicate clearly
  • ConnectionPeople want to be part of something greater
  • Action: The fuel for social change


Make Lasting Impact

Story is the most powerful tool for creating lasting change. Are you using it right? Have you found the story that best connects with your audience? Would you like to?

  • Clarity: Nothing works until you communicate clearly
  • ConnectionPeople want to be part of something greater
  • Action: The fuel for social change


Make Lasting Impact

Story is the most powerful tool for creating lasting change. Are you using it right? Have you found the story that best connects with your audience? Would you like to?

  • Clarity: Nothing works until you communicate clearly
  • ConnectionPeople want to be part of something greater
  • Action: The fuel for social change

Quick Examples

Stories don't have to be huge or long to make an impact. Here's an example of a :15-second story I did in 1998 for the Indiana Department of Public Health. At the time, they had an alarming number of teenage pregnancies. They wanted to encourage parents to step it up and talk with their children about sex, but also didn't want to overstep their bounds in telling them what to say. More than 25 years later residents of Indiana still vividly remember this spot. 

On another project, using a team of dancers, I compressed a woman's story of a lifetime of horrific abuse into a beautiful four-minute film that served as a positive vehicle to open up conversations about mental illness. This film is titled, "Storms of the Mind."

One humanitarian team was having trouble looking professional when pitching to corporate sponsors with their PowerPoint. I helped create a multimedia presentation tool that gave them the power to instantly adjust their presentation according to time, audience interest, or fundraising goals. I also led filming teams across the globe to create the stories, photos, and 20+ embedded films. 

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